Grants and funding to support education and training.
CITB (Construction Industry Training Board) exists to support the construction industry to have a skilled, competent and inclusive workforce, now and in the future.
If you are a CITB registered organisation, you could be eligible to an array of skills and training related grants and additional funding support.
Take a look at below links:
The CITB Skills and Training Fund
CITB’s Skills and Training Fund can offer funding support of up to £10,000 (up to 99 employees) or up to £25,000 (100 to 250 employees), to invest in training and equip your workforce to face the future. The fund provides an extra incentive to access CITB grant-eligible training and supports a wide range of activities. Find out more below.
CITB Industry Impact Fund
The Industry Impact Fund is aimed at construction employers looking to make a positive difference to the construction industry by developing solutions to key challenges faced by the workforce across the UK.
The fund launched in April 2023 and is the first fund of its kind for CITB. It will pilot a new way of supporting the needs of industry. The fund puts employers in the driving seat when it comes to designing and developing training and skills solutions.
CITB Short Course Grants
Short course grants are paid on the successful completion of courses which align to approved construction-related standards, or to approved standard titles where the standards are undergoing development. Dependent on the duration and difficulty of the course, you can claim anywhere between £60 to £240 per learner (maximum learner rules apply) for training completed successfully.
CITB Qualification Grants
CITB pay grants starting from £600 per learner for the achievement of a range of qualifications including:
- Short qualifications less than 1 year
- Longer qualifications over 1 year
- Advanced Craft Certificate (Scotland)
Apprenticeship Grants
CITB also pay attendance and achievement grants for approved apprenticeships in England, Scotland, and Wales. They also pay support grants for apprentices of grant-eligible employers who attend colleges or training providers where overnight stays and travel to/from a hotel are required.
Skills Hub
If you require further support or information, please email STA Skills and Training Manager on tony.batchelor@structuraltimber.co.uk